Monday, November 29, 2010

2010 losers, outgoing officeholders mulling 2012 bids

It's not unusual for candidates who've come up short in their bids for political office to take a second shot down the line, and this cycle is no exception: Less than three weeks after Election Day, a number of 2010 contenders who saw defeat (or are stepping down) this year are already making noises about running again. Some are defeated incumbents mulling rematches for their old seats; others are political newcomers who cut their teeth on a 2010 bid and are back for more. There are even a few statewide office-holders who are stepping down from their current jobs in 2011 but are mulling another bid for office in the next year or two. Here's a look at some of the potential contenders. Did we miss anyone? The comments section awaits! * Former World Wresting Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon (R): McMahon spent nearly $50 million this year on her bid


Alvin Green John Mccain

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