Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pardoning the National Thanksgiving Turkey

It's the day that every turkey dreams about:

On Wednesday, November 24, 2010, President Obama will pardon the National Thanksgiving Turkey in a ceremony in the Rose Garden.  The President will celebrate the 63rd anniversary of the National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation, reflect upon the time-honored traditions of Thanksgiving, and wish American families a warm, safe, and healthy holiday.

The President will pardon Apple and its alternate Cider, both 21-week old, 45-pound turkeys ...

After the pardoning, the turkeys will be driven to George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens ... After the holidays, the National Thanksgiving Turkey and its alternate will live in a custom-made enclosure at Mount Vernon’s nationally recognized livestock facility.

And here's a reminder of what Presidents went through in the days before there was a winner and an alternate:


George Bush George W. Bush

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