Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Open thread for night owls: Rollins promises to fact-check his boss, Michele Bachmann. Hahahahaha


At Mother Jones, Tim Murphy writes The Michele Bachmann Fact-Checking Challenge:

CNN has an interview up today with Ed Rollins, the veteran conservative political consultant whom Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) has tapped to run her presidential campaign. Rollins, who guided Mike Huckabee's campaign to a victory in Iowa in 2008, predicts that the Minnesota GOPer's campaign will take more or less the same approach. That's not surprising; this is surprising:

Asked about Bachmann's past controversial comments, Rollins said the congresswoman would "have a good team around her and we'll basically make sure that everything is 100 percent fact checked."

Fact-checking is all the rage these days; even Cosmopolitan is doing it! But it's also tedious and time-intensive; to give you a sense, it took me three weeks to nail down all of the details in this article about imported insects that eat invasive plants. If Rollins really wants to 100-percent fact-check everything his candidate says before she says it, that's fantastic. It would probably be a first in American political history?and given Bachmann's record, a Herculean task.

It's also unclear just which comments Rollins intends to fact-check. CNN's link to "past controversial comments," for instance, actually directs you to a Bachmann gaffe in which she says the American Revolution began in New Hampshire. That's wrong, but it's not "controversial." Controversial would be saying something like "almost all, if not all, individuals who have gone into the [gay] lifestyle have been abused at one time in their life, either by a male or by a female"?which Bachmann did say, in 2004, in the same speech in which she expressed the hope that a breast-cancer-stricken Melissa Etheridge would take advantage of her illness to quit being a lesbian.

And then there's the sheer scope of Bachmann's factually challenged statements, which, even in the political world, are in a category of their own. ...

At Daily Kos on this date in 2009:

We can end mountaintop removal mining. Right now. Immediately.

At first glance, this may seem like the worst possible time to address such a problem. After all, we are talking about people's jobs -- not to mention the half of all electricity in the United States that comes from coal. But the situation isn't that simple.

Demand for coal is down by 3%. If you compare that decline to the drop in your 401k, it may not seem all that large. It's huge. For 125 years the demand for coal has known only one direction -- up. This fall in demand is the largest on record. With industry closing plants or reducing shifts, and with individuals being more conscious of their power usage, the need for power is actually going down (one of those things we've been told could never happen). Hopefully, both individuals and businesses will take advantage of the funds now available to improve the efficiency of their heating and cooling, so that even when the economy recovers the trend toward lower power consumption will continue.


John Mccain Barrack Obama

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