Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Second Republican presidential debate thread no. 3

GOP 2012 Debate
Back from our commercial break. Everything's still Obama's fault. And Newt loves American Idol.

5:56 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Ron Paul declares that we should protect Medicare by getting out of Medicare.

5:58 PM PT (Mark Sumner): I would have said you couldn't do worse than Paul's crazy answer on Medicare. Pawlenty managed.

5:59 PM PT (Mark Sumner): This is, without a doubt, the most boring debate in history.

6:03 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Herman Cain wishes America would just run its economy like a South American military dictatorship.

6:04 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Romney declares that America must default on it's debts. Otherwise no one will trust us with their money. Really.

6:08 PM PT (Mark Sumner): We've had more kids than thou, and more humble origins than thou. Time for more God than thou. Let's see how Paul brings in the Federal Reserve.

6:10 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Herman Cain clarifies that he doesn't want murderers in his cabinet. Thank goodness we cleared that up.

6:12 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Romney demonstrates sanity for ten seconds saying we'll never have sharia law in the US. He'll pay for that.

6:13 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Newt steps forward to uphold the standards of unreasoning intolerance.

6:18 PM PT (Mark Sumner): I expect lies at a GOP debate, but who believes Romney ever ordered anything spicy?

6:20 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Bachmann running to be president of United States, not to have power over states.

6:21 PM PT (Mark Sumner): Bachmann says... says... What did she say?

Source: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/5b5HIbADAK8/-Second-Republican-presidential-debate-thread-no-3

Alvin Green John Mccain

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