Thursday, July 14, 2011

Best Jokes Mocking the GOP Candidates

Jokes About the GOP Presidential Candidates The Republican presidential race may just be getting started, but the mockery has already kicked into high gear.

Even without Donald Trump or Sarah Palin in the mix, the late-night comedians are having a field day with the entertaining cast of characters.

See our complete roundup of the best late-night jokes so far about 2012 GOP presidential candidates.

A sampling:

"Newt Gingrich is so pro-marriage, he can't stop doing it. He is so morally upright, that he's only had sex after he was married. Just not always to the woman he was married to." —Stephen Colbert

"No! Not Captain Buzzkill! Not the guy who looks like everyone who ever fired your dad! He's gonna suck all the fun right out of this crazy thing. Just look at the online video announcing his run. It looks like it could double as an ad for erectile dysfunction pills. 'Mitt Romney: for when the moment's right.'" —Jon Stewart

"Lenscrafters is upset with Tea Partier Michele Bachmann because she called Planned Parenthood 'the Lenscrafters of abortion.' Lenscrafters released a statement today calling her 'the Costco of crazy.'" —Conan O'Brien

"Forget Obamneycare, I want to know how Minnesota's health plan keeps Tim Pawlenty alive without a spine." —Stephen Colbert

Read more jokes about the 2012 GOP candidates...

See Also: Cartoons on the GOP Presidential Race

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Sarah Palin Alvin Green

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