Sunday, July 10, 2011

Late afternoon/early evening open thread

Coming up on Sunday Kos ...

  • Hunter will talk about Democracy?.
  • Amid talk of the most minor of changes to the federal revenue stream, Arjun Jaikumar will speculate on more drastic measures and the possible consequences.
  • It has been said many times that President Obama's greatest strength in his re-election bid is the weakness of his opposition. Steve Singiser crunches the numbers, and finds some cause for relief. But he also sounds a cautionary note, as well.
  • Mark Sumner wants to know why everything is on the table in the deficit negotiations?except the real causes of the deficit.
  • Laurence Lewis will reiterate that we're having the wrong discussion with the wrong people at the wrong time.
  • Republicans are doing a lot of damage to the country, but most of it isn't occurring in Washington. Dante Atkins will reemphasize the importance of getting local.
  • Denise Oliver-Velez will discuss the birthday of Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, her historical significance as a leader in the struggle for education, civil rights, women?s rights, and health care, and her position as the only female member of FDR's "Black Cabinet."


George Bush George W. Bush

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