Saturday, September 3, 2011

Late afternoon/early evening open thread

What's coming up on Sunday Kos?.

  • In "The Case For Partisanship: The Debate Impacts Policy," Armando will argue that political debates over policy are the principal opportunity for shaping public attitudes over policy. He will explore how political debate has pushed policy outcomes over the history of the country and how it can do so today.
  • Mark E Andersen will look at the human cost of Scott Walker's attack on public workers and will ask, "What would you do if your pay was cut by $500 a month?"
  • brooklynbadboy will examine the polls on free trade, which indicate a political opportunity for Democrats who challenge the bipartisan orthodoxy in favor of it.
  • Mark Sumner will note that while it's tough to find any connection between tax rates and economic growth, there do seem to be some things that are connected.
  • Dick Cheney is back in the news and Laurence Lewis once again will review his accomplishments.
  • Continuing her series, Latinos in the U.S., Denise Oliver Velez will discuss the assault on Chicana/o ethnic studies.
  • Dante Atkins will hope that President Obama's acquiescence to John Boehner on the timing of his speech on jobs will not mirror the substance.
  • Hunter will take a line-by-line look at what may be the worst single Hurricane Irene-related editorial yet published.


Alvin Green John Mccain

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