Sunday, December 5, 2010

Foot, Meet Mouth: The Dumbest Political Quotes of 2010

Dumbest Political Quotes of 2010 The year's not quite over, but there's been so much rampant stupidity this year, we can hardly contain it any longer.

Here's our roundup of the dumbest quotes of 2010 (so far), including:

� Glenn Beck on how he's carrying out "God's plan"
� Sarah Palin on why she's just like Shakespeare
� Rod Blagojevich on why he's "blacker" than Obama
� Pat Robertson on the earthquake that Haiti deserved
� Sen. Scott Brown on his "available" daughters
� Rush Limbaugh on the "Democrat" who tried to blow up Times Square
� Rep. Hank Johnson on his fears that overpopulation on Guam will cause the island to "tip over and capsize"

Read more of the dumbest quotes of 2010...

More Ridiculous Quotes:
Dumbest Political Quotes of All Time
Right-Wing Nutjob Quote-O-Matic
Craziest Sarah Palin Quotes
Dumbest Barack Obama Quotes

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