Friday, January 14, 2011

Jon Stewart Turns John McCain Into Cranky Puppet

Puppet John McCain Jon Stewart launched a new initiative on The Daily Show this week: to annoy the hell out of John McCain.

Noting how McCain's "old man crankiness" had "gone off the charts" during the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" debate, Stewart introduced a new Daily Show feature called "Let's All Stand on John McCain's Lawn."

For the first installment, he welcomed a guest: John McCain the Angry Puppet.

"Ugh phooey, the lights are too bright," Puppet McCain said upon arriving on the set. "They burn my skin. You're gonna make me look like a Mexican. Build the dang fence! Build it!"

Watch the segment. The McCain bit comes in at about the 3:20 mark.

David Letterman's "Top Ten Things Overheard During The Republicans' First Day In Charge Of The House"

10. "Mr. Boehner, please stop crying"
9. "How do we blame this dead bird thing on Obama?"
8. "I think he was just sworn in on a copy of Snooki's new book" 7. "Beer me!"
6. "Alright, you've had six hours, is the economy fixed?"
5. "Speaker Boehner, please stop blowing your nose"
4. "When is vacation?"
3. "No, Sen. McCain, Woodrow Wilson doesn't work here anymore"
2. "When do we get to sleep with the pages?"
1. "How soon can we go back to invading countries for oil?"

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