Saturday, January 22, 2011

Patrick Dillon to leave White House

Amid a series of personnel changes aimed at ramping up President Obama's 2012 reelection effort, deputy White House political director Patrick Dillon is leaving his post to take a job with a prominent Democratic consulting firm. Dillon has signed on with Hilltop Public Solutions, a D.C.-based Democratic consulting shop where he will serve as a partner. Longtime Democratic operatives Mo Elleithee and Nick Baldick as well as Ken Morley, who managed the 2006 race of Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D), are also partners in the firm. "We're thrilled to have Patrick join the Hilltop team," said Elleithee. "His impressive background will be a tremendous asset as we continue to grow our strategic campaign practice. And, maybe even more importantly, it's always good to have another Hoya fan among our ranks." (Baldick, Elleithee and Dillon -- not to mention the Fix -- are Georgetown graduates.)


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