Sunday, January 23, 2011

This week in science

Kathy Miller of the Texas Freedom Network notes that the elections are over, and creationism is back on the menu in Texas:

"In 2009 the State Board of Education approved new science curriculum standards that opened the door to creationist materials in Texas classrooms. Today we saw that one prominent creationist group intends to walk through that door," Miller said. "Getting their materials in public schools has long been a top priority for creationists, and it’s clear that they intend to make Texas their flagship. ... "

Before getting into the nitty-gritty in the months ahead, I would like to point out to Texans that the last school district that got conned by Intelligent Design Creationists ended up costing local taxpayers a million bucks in damages for a needless trial that ripped the once peaceful community of Dover, PA., in to bloody bits.

  • Not to be dissuaded by anti-science pamphleteers, Bill Nye will be taking a science literacy program on the road. Nye was interviewed here on his life long fascination for science and science education on Daily Kos a few months ago.
  • Would a hyper intelligent AI really be able to take over the world and enslave or brush humanity aside? Maybe, maybe not. The argument is an AI wouldn't have unfettered access to physical reality, unless we enabled it, and they depend on the same infrastructure that we do. Then again, if the AI's controlled money and could employ lobbyists ... The Job Creating Skynet Freedom Act.  
  • Biggest rocket to ever lift off from US west coast carries next gen spy satellite into orbit. Not exactly subtle.
  • Either these guys know something none of my astronomer sources are aware of, or it's just a textbook example of over-hyped reporting.
  • I know we we're all disappointed to hear Keith Olbermann announce his last show last night. And I dearly hope to see the entire Countdown production staff grace my screen again. But on the off chance he is reading this, Mr. Olbermann and the entire crew, I consider myself lucky to have been among your viewers. You have withstood years of non stop threats, ugly mis-characterizations, and abuse from the usual suspects, you battled unending internal corporate bullshit and ended the suffering of countless thousands with your focus on healthcare clinics and the injustices of for profit insurance. You stood for the middle class when few did, when it would have been so much easier, and so, so much more profitable to just go along. And sir, you did it with the satirical wit of Jon Stewart and the piercing clarity of Edward R. Murrow that made you the number one slot on your entire network. That you did all this while losing both your mother and father brings tears to my eyes but hope to my heart.

    If you want to take a break for the rest of your freakin life and compile baseball stats or scout the minor leagues for talent, you have earned it many times over.


George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

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