Saturday, April 30, 2011

Obama?s birth certificate gambit and Trump?s role

The news today that the White House has released a more detailed version of President Obama?s birth certificate was met with equal amounts of shock and incredulity.

The fact that the White House, after nearly three years of controversy over where the president was born, would finally choose to seek and release the document shows just how persistent political rumors can be. And how potent the political echo chamber is.

Why release the document now? And where does the controversy go from here?


Alvin Green John Mccain

This Sunday on State of the Union

The political consequences of entitlement reform came into focus during the Congressional recess. Will Washington act or punt past the...


Roosevelts George Bush

Voting For Obama Because He Was Black Was The ?Biggest Mistake Of My Life?


Sarah Palin Alvin Green

Friday, April 29, 2011

An Interesting line in a BP Story


Michelle Obama Sarah Palin

First-quarter drop in gross domestic product weakens job prospects

Chart created by Calculated Risk
(Click on this link for larger version.)
While gross domestic product is a deeply flawed measuring tool, it remains one of the key gauges of a nation's economic health. And although we've now seen seven straight quarters of GDP growth, today's news from the Commerce Department on that score is not encouraging. In the first quarter, GDP grew a weak 1.8 percent. That number is subject to two revisions as a more complete picture of what was going on in the first three months of the year becomes available.

Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Better than the five quarters of GDP contraction during the recession. But definitely not where we need to be if there is to be any chance of creating jobs at the rate necessary to really put Americans back to work. In that crucial arena, there was more disappointing news released this morning. The Department of Labor said initial claims for unemployment benefits rose sharply, and the four-week running average that provides a better overall picture of such claims climbed above 400,000 again. Better than last year at this time, and better by far than in 2009, when such claims were running above 600,000 week after week. Moreover, today's announcement is just one week of many in what all but the most optimistic analysts have said would be a "choppy" economic recovery.

In short, one more round of economic "on the other hand."

Whether today's announcements turn out to be just potholes on recovery road, as Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee seemed to be suggesting in Wednesday's statements and press conference, remains to be seen.

The unemployment claims number is always volatile. It's the trend that matters, and that has been slowly but steadily downward for several months until this month. Beyond the GDP headline number, in the specifics that make up that measurement, there are glimmers of better things to come. And while the Fed has revised its GDP projections downward for the next three years, it also has revised its projection of the unemployment rate downward. However, its best case scenario?7.6 percent for 2012?can only be viewed with foreboding from both an economic and political perspective. There is a good possibility that the rate will be above 8 percent on election day.

What that means from the human perspective is that we will still have millions of unemployed, millions more of underemployed and millions more who have dropped out of the labor force altogether, not because they retired to sunny beaches somewhere, but rather because they gave up looking for what they could not find, a job, or at least one capable of paying the bills. This is disastrous. Right now, 40 months after the recession began, and 22 months after the National Bureau of Economic Research says it ended, we still have a terrible jobs situation that the current 8.8 percent official unemployment rate only partially measures.

Large numbers of rank-and-file Americans are suffering and there is zero chance the 112th Congress will approve any measure to stimulate the economy other than diddling the top 5 percent with another round in the half-century series of tax cuts for that demographic. Yet, as Joan McCarter points out today, the relentless focus on the deficit by media and too many politicians on both sides of the aisle has now made that a major concern even among Americans who are hurt by that focus.

Meanwhile, although it is not as desperately needed as a fix for the one in six Americans who is unemployed or underemployed, we need a fresh measurement to replace GDP. Because that gauge does a crummy job. For example, the destruction of natural habitat and of the social structure are counted as pluses if that leads to more production. Pollute a stream while manufacturing some toxic toy, you get a rise in the GDP. Clean up the stream, another rise in the GDP. Pump unreplenishable fossil water out of the Ogallala Aquifer to irrigate Nebraska wheat fields, another rise in GDP. Running the war on some drugs puts people to work, so another rise in GDP. Hire more prison guards while other public-sector employees face furloughs and lay-offs, another rise in GDP. Build a tank, a rise in GDP. Have it blown up in a war, a rise in GDP to build a new one and to cover the medical treatment the tank's injured crew will need.

Of course, GDP is only one gauge economists use to calculate how well or poorly the economy is doing. But none of those other gauges get anywhere near the media attention that GDP does. Without an alternative, that's no surprise.

Although there have been other attempts, a serious, systematic job to come up with a more thorough gauge in addition to GDP was begun in February 2008 by French President Nicolas Sarkozy who put Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz in charge of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. Prompting this effort was the increasing disconnect between what politicians and statisticians tell people about the economy and the distrust arising from how those people perceive it affecting their day-to-day life. As Sarkozy said of this distrust when the commission's 292-page report was published September 14, 2009: "Nothing is more destructive for democracy." People, he said, "think we're lying to them."

Yes, they do. The latest Gallup Poll shows 55 percent of Americans believe the economy is still in a recession or depression.



Michelle Obama Sarah Palin

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dear Jonah Goldberg: Obama did not sucker you guys into becoming birthers

Jonah Goldberg
Former Glenn Beck Show guest Jonah Goldberg
Conservative "thought leader" Jonah Goldberg:
I haven?t studied the just released PDF of Obama?s birth certificate. But assuming there?s nothing in there about a birthmark that resembles the numbers ?666? or about how his father worked for the KGB and ? of course ? assuming that the font in question matches typewriters of the time (Let?s get Dan Rather on that): I figure this puts the birther thing to bed once and for all. Good.

But it does raise the perplexing question: If this was possible all along, why did the WH take such sweet time releasing it? Could it be that this White House, continuing a tactic used by Democrats for years, actually liked being able to cast their opponents ? often through guilt by association ? as paranoid nuts? No, that couldn?t possibly be it.

Obviously, Goldberg's suggestion that there was a grand conspiracy to sucker right-wingers into becoming paranoid nuts is laughable on it's face. At least he acknowledges there are paranoid nuts on the right, but saying Democrats are to blame for their creation? Whatever happened to the conservative mantra about how people are responsible for their own decisions?

As silly as his idea is, Goldberg is not alone: Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich have made the same claim.

It's worth pointing out that the fundamental assumption of this theory is that before today, it was reasonable to have doubts about President Obama's place of birth.

Goldberg, for example, expressed his hope that the long-form birth certificate would finally put "the birther thing" to bed "once and for all." But while implicit in Goldberg's statement is the notion that even this might not be enough, the truth is the question of Obama's birthplace has already been put to bed "once and for all," and nothing we learned today changes that. The long-form birth certificate doesn't prove anything that hasn't already been proven, because the case was already bullet proof.

So while Goldberg (and Rove and Gingrich) think Obama didn't release it before in order to lure Republicans into lunacy, the fact is that with or without today's release there was no basis upon which to believe those birther conspiracy theories.

Put another way, it's no less reasonable to be a birther today than it was yesterday. Nothing fundamental has changed. Note that I'm not saying it's reasonable to be a birther. It's not. It's crazy beyond belief.

But according to these so-called conservative leaders, it was reasonable, and somehow it was Obama's fault. That's simply insane. It's no wonder that lunatics dominate so much of the Republican Party. For the good of the country, they really need to get their act together. America has got real problems. It's time for them to start addressing them. Unfortunately, there's little reason to believe that they will.


George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

Local Deals Pack Nice Boost For Travelzoo

Travelzoo shares soared 28% on Thursday after the company issued bullish Q1 results that handily beat views as the company rode the local-deals trend and big subscriber growth in Europe. The travel website, which publishes travel-deal-related emailed newsletters, said per-share profit minus a one-time item more than doubled to 37 cents from 15 cents in the year-ago quarter. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters expected 28 cents. That profit excluded


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

Links for 2010-09-08 []


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What John Ensign?s resignation means for Sharron Angle

The surprise resignation of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) has major implications for another Nevada Republican: former assemblywoman Sharron Angle.

Angle, who lost last fall to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, was planning to run for Rep. Dean Heller?s seat when the Republican congressman ran for Senate next year. Now that Ensign is stepping down, Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) is likely to appoint Heller to the Senate. That means a special election for his House seat. Depending on how the election law is interpreted, things look better or worse for Angle.


Roosevelts George Bush

Denver's Best Gardening Shops


Alvin Green John Mccain

Netflix Beats Views As Q1 EPS Up 88%; Profit Outlook Lags

Online movie subscription service Netflix beat Wall Street's first-quarter targets, but its Q2 profit guidance fell below expectations. Investors gave the report a negative review, selling shares in late trading Monday. Netflix (NFLX) shares were down nearly 5% in after-hours trading after the company released its earnings report. During the regular session, Netflix fell a fraction to 251.67, after hitting an all-time high of


Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mobile App Shows Royal Wedding Site

Cellphone users across the globe will be able to take a virtual walk up the aisle of Westminster Abbey ahead of Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding. The Abbey 3D app will give Android, iPhone and iPad users access to the historic royal church using a technique commonly used in film production but rarely applied to mobile devices. The app begins at the Great West Door, where Middleton will enter on April 29th, before proceeding up


Obama Michelle Obama

Late afternoon/early evening open thread

Coming up on Sunday Kos ....

  • In the race to 2012, should the President appeal to the left or to the center? Steve Singiser will run the numbers, and the answer might come as a surprise to much of the pundit class.
  • Meteor Blades will look at the economic damage rank-and-file Americans have suffered during a lost decade and ponder the decade to come.
  • Dante Atkins will ask the GOP what happened to small government.
  • As the civil war in Libya continues to produce stalemate, brooklynbadboy will make the case that the policy of regime change in Libya has a natural conclusion: another exercise in nation-building by the Western powers in an Islamic country.
  • On Sunday, Mark Sumner will wonder if the Easter story, and the Passover story, can speak to the future of the American story.
  • Chris Bowers will discuss how aiming to build a movement where people believe they are fighting for each other is preferable to building a progressive movement.
  • Georgia Logothetis will explore the latest developments regarding Senator Dick Durbin, the "Gang of Six" and proposed cuts to Social Security benefits. Republicans have dominated the narrative so far. Can Democrats still get the upper hand at the negotiating table?


John Mccain Barrack Obama

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Chris Christie, conservative hero?

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) has a big personality ? even for the larger-than-life Garden State.


Michelle Obama Sarah Palin

The Lingua Franca Of Drinking

Paul Collins traces the roots and cognates of "shit-faced" back to this entry: SHIT-FACED, adj. Having a very small face, as a child, Clydes[dale].; q. chit-faced? Instead of, say, a deeply unfortunate drunken pratfall, this shit-faced may come from the...


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

Green diary rescue: Oakland seeks to defeat pollution and poverty


On March 1, the city of Oakland, Calif., passed an Energy and Climate Action Plan whose goals make it one of the leading cities for greenhouse gas reduction goals. By 2020, if those goals are met, Oakland's greenhouse gas emissions will be 36 percent below 2005 levels by 2020. By 2050, they will be 85 percent below 2005 levels. It took two years of advocacy by the Oakland Climate Action Coalition to get the city council to take this action. Focused on reducing both pollution and poverty, OCAC has united a slew of organizations and thousands of the city's residents to put together a program to reduce green house gas emissions, increase the capacity of communities to adapt to the effects of climate change and build "a robust sustainable economy with good green job opportunities."

One of the unique projects to emerge from these efforts contains a familiar name among its supporters. Working together with the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Baker Center co-founder Van Jones's Rebuild the Dream initiative, Solar Mosaic is helping the city of Oakland, Calif., build a clean energy economy, one solar tile at a time. Maria Galluci at SolveClimate News writes:

(Photo: Ella Baker Center for Human Rights)
By selling 5,000 tiles at $100 each to locals, the city is aiming to piece together entire rooftop solar arrays at seven budget-strapped schools, youth centers and houses of worship. A team of Oaklanders will be trained and hired to install the panels by as early as July.

The city's efforts are part of a pilot program called Solar Mosaic, a web-based marketplace for community solar initiatives that launched on April 15.

Using the "crowdfunding" model, residents can help generate energy savings and scale back greenhouse gas emissions without having to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for a solar installation at home.

They'll also help create jobs for a budding green-collar workforce in a city with the state's highest crime rates and where 17.5 percent of people live below the poverty line, compared to 13 percent nationally.

"There is this huge gap between the population that wants to go solar and the people that actually have," Billy Parish, president of Solar Mosaic, told SolveClimate News.
"We saw an opportunity to connect those dots."

Parish said he and fellow co-founder Daniel Rosen first conceived of the mosaic concept while working to develop renewable energy projects with Native American tribes in the U.S. Southwest and Great Plains regions. ?

If Oakland can do it, how can the residents of any city say it's too difficult?

? ? ? ? ?

Green Diary Rescue appears every Saturday afternoon. Inclusion of a particular diary does not necessarily indicate my agreement with it.

? ? ? ? ?

DWG alerted us to an Assault on our national parks by mining operations: "Thanks to outdated laws and a political process corrupted by corporate interests, our nation's most spectacular gifts of nature at risk. The Pew Environmental Group outlines "Ten Treasures at Stake" in a report that examines mining claims surrounding ten iconic parks. ? This graph shows the rapid escalation of claims on the edges of the Grand Canyon until the Department of Interior called for a temporary moratorium to consider options to protect the park.

And, on the same subject, credstone explained why she is finished with Petitions and Letter Writing, It's Time to Take a Stand: "I live in the beautiful state of Utah, home to red rock wilderness, sprawling quiet deserts, towering , snow-covered granite mountains and abundant opportunities to enjoy the outdoors; Yet I look out my windows every day at one of the largest environmental catastrophes ever created by man, the Kennecott Rio Tinto copper strip mining operation. Their strip mine has turned mile after mile of a beautiful mountain range in my hometown inside out. I have lived with that mine in my daily view since I was 5 years old. It is so big, it is visible from space. I breathe pieces of that mountain into my asthma stressed lungs every day."


Barrack Obama Bill Clinton