Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wisconsin Supreme Court results thread #9

Looks tough for Kloppenberg, who bettered her previous performance...

Supreme Court     REPORTING     94%
      David Prosser (inc)     698,973 50%
      Joanne Kloppenburg     692,463 50%

Results are here.

12:40 am:  Still a nailbiter...

Supreme Court     REPORTING     95%
      David Prosser (inc)     703,414 50%
      Joanne Kloppenburg     701,624 50%

12:51 am: Supreme Court     REPORTING     97%
      David Prosser (inc)     703,675 50%
      Joanne Kloppenburg     701,760  50%   

And where are the 3% outstanding votes from?


Obama Michelle Obama

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