Monday, April 25, 2011

Late afternoon/early evening open thread

Coming up on Sunday Kos ....

  • In the race to 2012, should the President appeal to the left or to the center? Steve Singiser will run the numbers, and the answer might come as a surprise to much of the pundit class.
  • Meteor Blades will look at the economic damage rank-and-file Americans have suffered during a lost decade and ponder the decade to come.
  • Dante Atkins will ask the GOP what happened to small government.
  • As the civil war in Libya continues to produce stalemate, brooklynbadboy will make the case that the policy of regime change in Libya has a natural conclusion: another exercise in nation-building by the Western powers in an Islamic country.
  • On Sunday, Mark Sumner will wonder if the Easter story, and the Passover story, can speak to the future of the American story.
  • Chris Bowers will discuss how aiming to build a movement where people believe they are fighting for each other is preferable to building a progressive movement.
  • Georgia Logothetis will explore the latest developments regarding Senator Dick Durbin, the "Gang of Six" and proposed cuts to Social Security benefits. Republicans have dominated the narrative so far. Can Democrats still get the upper hand at the negotiating table?


John Mccain Barrack Obama

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