Sunday, April 17, 2011

House votes on killing Medicare today

This is a bit awkward for Republicans, but never mind, they'll bluster through as if there is no hypocrisy inherent in their position and vote today to replace Medicare with something that looks an awful lot like what they call "Obamacare" when they pass Rep. Paul Ryan's budget.

The long-term Republican budget plan proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) phases out Medicare as a guaranteed, universal, single-payer system and replaces it with a government-subsidized private insurance program. If that sounds familiar, it should.

"It's exactly like Obamacare," said NRSC chairman Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) in the Capitol Thursday. "It is. It's exactly like it. Which strikes me as bizarre that you're seeing so much pushback [from Democrats]."

Government-subsidized private insurance is SOCIALISM, unless of course, Republicans are proposing it as a way to achieve their decades-long goal of abolishing Medicare. Cornyn is pretty much the only one who's admitting that it's the same idea. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor says "I don't think that there are that many similarities, the way you suggest, as far as our proposals to reform Medicare and ObamaCare."

At any rate, the Republican Medicare "reform" plan is going to hit a major roadblock on the other side of the Hill, called the Senate. The narrative is set for today's House vote by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's spokesman, Jon Summers:

Summer's medicare tweet

Massive tax cuts for the wealthy, massive cuts to the rest of us. That's the Republican way.


Alvin Green John Mccain

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