Monday, April 11, 2011

Senate Democratic women on the war�on�women

The Senate Democratic women are willing to shut down government over women's health.

We are not going to throw women under the bus to give them an agreement to keep this government open," Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) said during a press conference at the Capitol.

"We are determined to draw the line in the sand," Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) added. "There are moments when you must do that, and this is one of those moments."

...Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) said Republicans "won't budge unless their social agenda is jammed through Congress."

"This is not a budget impasse on fiscal issues," Cantwell said.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) took that criticism a step further.

"It's an opportunity for the right wing in the House to really sock it to women," said the usually demure Feinstein. "I don't usually use this language, but I really believe this is true."

Good for them, but just a word of warning for all our Dem negotiators: what digby says: saving women's healthcare funding is crucial, but giving on the rest of the budget won't be a win. The cuts Dems have already capitulated to in following the Republicans down the rabbit hole are far enough.

Furthermore, what Atrios sez:

atrios tweet

If we're gonna shut down, then take those cuts off the table and start from scratch.

Source: on women

George Bush George W. Bush

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