Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Donald Trump fires himself: Will not run for President

Donald Trump and Sarah Palin
Donald Trump (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
and Sarah Palin (Photo: David Shankbone)

Having succeeded in his two main goals?making an ass of himself and the Republican Party who embraced him with open arms?Donald Trump today announced he would not run for President of the United States.

No doubt Tim Pawlenty is wondering if this is the thing that finally gives him a chance of getting some attention, but I don't think this will help him shed the image of being a boring (but mandate-free) version Mitt Romney.

Instead, the person who will benefit the most from The Donald's withdrawal is Sarah Palin, herself also a likely non-candidate. With Trump out of the picture, Palin can go back to making news by writing Haiku-lets on least until she officially quits the race.

Maybe then T-Paw will get some attention. Unless he gets overshadowed by Herman Cain and Gary Johnson.


Obama Michelle Obama

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