Monday, May 2, 2011

'Retirees on the attack': Rep. Sandy Adams gets an earful about Republican budget

The Republican plan to gut Medicare and Medicaid and keep taxes low for the rich is particularly unpopular in Florida, where Reps. Dan Webster and Allen West have faced (and tried to avoid) tough questions from constituents.

Add Florida freshman Rep. Sandy Adams to that list.

Audience members were expressing outrage over a Republican plan that would cut trillions from the budget and end Medicare as it exists today.

?I have a Navy Seal grandson in Iraq,? one man explained. ?What the hell are they fighting for when you are going to take everything away from us? That?s my question to you. And you know what? Yes, we are angry because you are taking it from us.?

Anybody want to take bets on whether Florida turns bluer in 2012?


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