Sunday, May 15, 2011

Today in Congress

Recapping yesterday's action:

Another day occupied with the partial completion of bills that could easily have been wrapped up in one. This seems to be a popular game under the new Republican majority. Instead of wasting the House's time with non-binding resolutions honoring local sports teams (or Special Operations forces who killed the world's most wanted terrorist), Republicans are wasting it by postponing votes on amendments and stretching bills out over two days. That way they can still knock off before lunch on Friday, but it counts as a work day, because they spent half an hour on votes.

Yesterday, it was the leftover amendments to the "Repeal the Nonexistent Drilling Moratorium Act," and today, the leftovers from the "Hurry Up and Get Us a Damn Intel Authorization So We Don't Look Like Idiots" bill.

In the Senate, it was another full day dedicated to the confirmation of a federal judge by a unanimous vote. And then eight more items passed by unanimous consent. That's nine measures brought to the floor, and not a single vote cast against any of them! Woohoo!

Looking ahead to today:

The House... drags... things... out... a... little... longer... with the Intel bill's postponed amendment votes. You can read here about the votes they'll complete today in all of half an hour or so.

The Senate, by contrast, has already left the building!

And that's all I've got. They're not giving me much to work with, you know?

Today's floor and committee schedules appear below the fold.


Sarah Palin Alvin Green

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