Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Late afternoon/early evening open thread

What you missed on Sunday Kos ?.

  • In The modern GOP is irresponsible and dangerous, Laurence Lewis counted the ways in which the current Republican Party's proposals endanger all of us?particularly when it ignores climate change.
  • In The Nobama Doctrine, brooklynbadboy looked at President Obama's wait-and-see response to the Egyptian uprising and pointed out how not being wed to a specific, overarching doctrine has allowed him to let events unfold without committing the United States to wars and imperialistic policing.
  • In Polling and Political Wrap, 2-13-11, Steve Singiser examined how President Obama's approval ratings are doing in several key states, the Senate retirements in Arizona and Virginia, and (of course) the impact on NY-26 of the resignation of Christopher "Classy Shirtless Guy" Lee.
  • In Daily Kos Photo Cooperative launches, Meteor Blades announced the formation of a cool new group that whose collaboration will ultimately benefit all Daily Kos users as members work out a way to share photos for use within the community.
  • In So-called 'Right to Work' and the assault on the middle class, Laura Clawson outlined the divide-and-conquer strategy conservatives are mounting to keep non-unionized workers focused on demonizing the unionized "teacher down the street" instead of on the corporate elite that is gutting the middle class.
  • In CPAC brews weak tea for presidential candidates, DemFromCT reviewed the fervor on display at CPAC this past week and compared it with some good, old-fashioned dispassionate polling to show how the Tea Party's influence is pushing the Republican Party further outside of the mainstream.
  • In The Ten Best Stories from CPAC, Jake McIntyre gave a hilarious, perceptive run-down of telling incidents from the over-hyped conservative gathering.

Source: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/WS_-D0OqXmg/-Late-afternoon-early-evening-open-thread

George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

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