Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The myth of the dying moderate

North Carolina Rep. Heath Shuler, New York Rep. Joe Crowley and former Virginia Rep. Tom Davis are all noted moderates. With the impending collapse of the moderate Democratic Leadership Council and Blue Dog Rep. Jane Harman's resignation this week, a familiar story line has emerged -- namely, that moderates are a dying breed. Just look at the 2010 election, when 28 of 54 Blue Dog Democrats lost reelection or retired and 31 of 69 members of the moderate New Democrat Coalition didn't return for another term. Or look at 2006 and 2008, when the first Republicans to be kicked out of office were moderate Republicans like Reps. Chris Shays (Conn.), Rob Simmons (Conn.), Charlie Bass (N.H.) and Jim Leach (Iowa). With the "beating" that moderate members have taken over the last three election cycles and the ascension of the tea party wing of the Republican Party, it might seem


George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

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