Saturday, February 19, 2011

Obama touts education as key to 'winning the future' in weekly address

If we want to win the global competition for new jobs and industries, we?ve got to win the global competition to educate our people. We?ve got to have the best trained, best skilled workforce in the world. That?s how we?ll ensure that the next Intel, the next Google, or the next Microsoft is created in America, and hires American workers.

Yup. Looks like we're winning the future again in President Obama's weekly address this morning. Today, we're winning the future through education, supplying high tech companies like Intel with the American workers it needs.

President Obama discussed the focus his administration is putting on education, including the "Race to the Top" initiative that he claims puts the initiative for innovation back on local schools. Additionally, he talked about the efforts being made by the federal government to hook up recent graduates with companies that need their skills:

We?re also making college more affordable for millions of students, and revitalizing our community colleges, so that folks can get the training they need for the careers they want. And as part of this effort, we?ve launched a nationwide initiative to connect graduates that need jobs with businesses that need their skills.

Intel understands how important these partnerships can be ? recognizing that their company?s success depends on a pipeline of skilled people ready to fill high-wage, high-tech jobs. Intel often pays for workers to continue their education at nearby Portland State University. As a result, one out of every fifteen of Intel?s Oregon employees has a degree from Portland State.

Business-government partnerships are a favorite theme of this administration, and Intel really comes in for praise on this front from the president. The company's not just reaching out to young adults, the president said, it's reaching down into influencing youngsters:

In fact, Intel?s commitment to education begins at an even younger age. The company is providing training to help 100,000 math and science teachers improve their skills in the classroom.

The president finished his address by tying these efforts into a revitalization of the national economy on a larger scale:

We are poised to lead in this new century ? and not just because of the good work that large companies like Intel are doing. All across America, there are innovators and entrepreneurs who are trying to start the next Intel, or just get a small business of their own off the ground. I?ll be meeting with some of these men and women next week in Cleveland, to get ideas about what we can do to help their companies grow and create jobs.

The truth is, we have everything we need to compete: bold entrepreneurs, bright new ideas, and world-class colleges and universities. And, most of all, we have young people just brimming with promise and ready to help us succeed. All we have to do is tap that potential.

That?s the lesson on display at Intel. And that?s how America will win the future.

The full transcript can be found beneath the fold and on the White House website.


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