Friday, March 4, 2011

Criminalize undocumented immigrants, unless they're cutting your lawn

Debbie Riddle
Texas State Rep. Debbie Riddle

Since when are teabaggers relativists?

The [Texas House] bill would make hiring an "unauthorized alien" a crime punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, unless that is, they are hired to do household chores.

Yes, under the House Bill 2012 introduced by a tea party favorite state Rep. Debbie Riddle -- who's been saying for some time that she'd like to see Texas institute an Arizona-style immigration law -- hiring an undocumented maid, caretaker, lawnworker or any type of houseworker would be allowed. Why? As Texas state Rep. Aaron Pena, also a Republican, told CNN, without the exemption, "a large segment of the Texas population" would wind up in prison if the bill became law.

You might remember Riddle from going on Anderson Cooper and claiming that Middle Eastern women were coming to the US and having "terror babies", with zero evidence for her claims.

Now, she wants to make sure it's illegal to hire an "illegal" alien unless they're indentured servants. Then what? Do those undocumented immigrants get citizenship for mowing Riddle's lawn? Do they get to collect benefits for caring for her grandchildren? Do they get accepted as Americans for washing her dishes?

Or is this all about making sure she can continue to bash brown immigrants while her and her friends can still getting the kind of low-cost manual labor these immigrants provide?

Since when have teabaggers become relativists? If it's illegal to hire an undocumented immigrant, it should be illegal for anyone to hire them. Put half of Texas in jail if you really want to enforce such an idiotic law. It's either okay to hire such people, or it's not. It's either okay for such people to be in Texas, or it's not.


Update: Good point by lushboi in the comments:

So it's ok to have illegals as servants
But jail them if they try to rise above their station, is that it?


George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

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