Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Newt Gingrich's Love Affair With America

Newt Gingrich Passion For Country Newt Gingrich explained this week how his patriotic passion led him to cheat on his first two wives:
"There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate." —Newt Gingrich
The Atlantic has further details on exactly how Newt was driven into lovers' arms:
"I didn't want it to happen, of course. No one does. When you take the marriage vows, you take them for life, right? So at first, I suppressed those unwanted feelings. Sure, I noticed her purple mountain majesties as soon as she walked in the room. I mean, who didn't? Believe me, in a sweater, those purple mountains sure were majestic. And her amber waves of grain? I couldn't pry my eyes away. So lush and, well, ambery. What was I to do? Maybe it's because my defenses were down — I was working so hard at the time — that my mind soon wandered to her fruited plains. Bad, bad thoughts!"
Read more about the passion of Newt.

Bill Maher Skewers Gingrich

Newt Gingrich Mocks Newt Gingrich On his HBO show last week, Bill Maher took on Gingrich's past infidelities as he gears up for a White House run:
"Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is a man who cheated on his first wife and left her while she was in bed with cancer. Then he cheated on his second wife with his current, third wife. I don't think actual newts are this slimy.

"But, he didn't ever have to go away. And now he's going to run for president and lecture gays about the sanctity of marriage. I can't even wrap my head around this. There are three women in America who agreed to f**k Newt Gingrich?!" —Bill Maher
Watch the segment, in which Maher wonders why Gingrich got a pass for his infidelities, while other disgraced politicians such as John Edwards, Eliot Spitzer, and Chris Lee did not.

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