Tuesday, March 15, 2011

DK Elections Daily Digest: 3/14

? AZ-Sen: This is amusingly insane. I?m certainly all for it!

? CA-Sen: Our long national nightmare is finally over: Meg Whitman says she will "definitely not" run against Sen. Diane Feinstein (D) next year. Rather, she says she?s going to spend time campaigning for fellow rich guy Mitt Romney. (Also, here?s an amusing tidbit: Earlier this year, she joined the board of none other than Hewlett-Packard ? the company her 2010 Republican ticket-mate Carly Fiorina nearly ran into the ground.)

? CT-Sen: In an interesting development, fans of magical realism have been making a push for Borges to enter the Connecticut Senate race. Ah, wait. What?s that? Fuck. So, um, former state Treasurer Frank Borges (D), who left office in 1993, says supporters are asking him to run, and while?s he?s thinking about it, he?s set no timetable for a decision. Borges is CEO of a private equity firm (so I?m guessing he?s pretty rich), and he?d be the state?s first black senator if successful.

? FL-Sen: Rep. Vern Buchanan (R) is starting to sound like a "no" for the Senate race. Now that he?s scored a spot on the Ways & Means Committee, he says he?s less likely to seek a promotion. In fact, he very explicitly said: "If this hadn't happened, I would have been looking to do something else." That sort of talk has to make you figure that the GOP's takeover of the House has actually been bad news for one Republican: NRSC chair John Cornyn.

In much sillier (and related) news, Cornyn told The Hill that he had tried to recruit former congressman and current MSNBC host Joe Scarborough to run against Bill Nelson. Undoubtedly, this made make Rep. Connie Mack a little hot under the collar, because the NRSC wigged out and Cornyn weirdly tried to claim the story was "not true," even though Scarborough confirmed it. Rather, said Cornyn, he had been asking Joescar about a potential Senate run in? New York. (The Atlanta-born, Alabama-educated, Florida-elected Scarborough's tv show is based in NYC.) Then, the NRSC took a dump on Joe, saying: "There are already a number of far stronger candidates looking at the Florida Senate race?." Whoops!

Also, there's a tenative Biden alert! - the VPOTUS supposedly will come down to Florida later this month to raise money for Bill Nelson.

? IA-Sen: Wingnut Bob Vander Plaats, who did surprisingly well against now-Gov. Terry Branstad in last year's Republican gubernatorial primary (with an assist from some Democratic ratfuckers), was asked whether he's contemplating a run against Sen. Tom Harkin in 2014. Said BVP: "I think about it daily. That doesn't mean I'm going to run against him, Ok. I don't know."

? IN-Sen: Now this is fucking interesting. I'm just going to let SSP commenter Bob Bobson summarize the situation:

WISH-TV's Jim Shella noted on his blog today that that there exists a hypothetical but plausible scenario in which state Democrats could sue to overturn the results of last year's election for Secretary of State by arguing that Charlie White wasn't a valid candidate for office. That's not really anything new, and has been rumored in the Hoosier political press for a while.

What is new here is that Shella points out that such a lawsuit, were it ruled in favor of the Democrats, wouldn't just remove White from office, but would also make the Republicans a "minor party" under state law. SSPers probably remember the whole [10]% threshold thing from the Colorado governor's race last year where Dan Maes' trainwreck candidacy nearly cost the Colorado Republicans their ballot position as a major party, and there's a similar regulation at play here. The difference is that in Indiana, it's the Secretary of State race that decides which parties are "major," and the threshold is [also] 10%. If White's candidacy is invalidated, though, that could mean that the Republicans, legally, received zero votes in the SoS race last year.

That outcome would also mean that their nominating process for statewide candidates for the next four years would be via convention and not primary. And that means Dick Lugar becomes the next Bob Bennett.

In related news, Sean Keefer, who as Deputy Secretary of State was no. 2 to Charlie White (and also served as his chief of staff, and before that, as his campaign manager) just resigned, and there's a report that White's spokesman will also quit. Even better: White staged a totally bizarro impromptu press conference on the courthouse steps after a hearing in which he pleaded not guilty to all charges. The presser only ended after White's attorney told him to "shut up" and led him away by the elbow. Fun times!

? MA-Sen: Deborah Shah, a consultant to Newton Mayor Setti Warren, sent around an email (I'm guessing to some listservs) looking for college kids interested in working on a potential Warren Senate campaign, set to be staffing up at the end of April. (Aren't most students stressing about finals at that point?) Shah says that "This is just the first step to make sure you?re prepared."

? MI-Sen: Pete Hoekstra hasn't yet said if one of these days a Congressman from Michigan's gonna come back home and run a Senate race, but he expects to decide this spring. One tea leaf suggests he's rather stay focused on his lame-ass-looking consulting firm: He just shuttered his House campaign account, which he could have instantly turned into a Senate fund.

? OH-Sen: In response to ex-Gov. Ted Strickland calling him "scurrilous," "bigoted," "reprehensible," and "laughable," the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that Republican state Treasurer Josh Mandel "said Strickland is a good person." Maybe that makes Mandel look big, I dunno, but does it also make him look like a wuss to his biggest supporters, the teabag contingent? At the same q-and-a with other GOP elected officials, SoS Jon Husted (who has declined a run) said he'd like to see Mandel take on Sherrod Brown, while AG (and ex-Sen.) Mike DeWine much more amusingly said that a Brown-Mandel matchup would be "fascinating." Is that Mr. Spock fascinating, or a trainwreck fascinating?

? AZ-08: Rep. Gabby Giffords' doctors gave an update on the congresswoman's recovery on Friday, and they sounded very upbeat about her progress (though they noted that it's not a sure thing whether she'll attend her husband's space shuttle launch next month, contra what a staffer said last week). Meanwhile, 2010 Republican candidate Jesse Kelly, who very nearly beat Giffords, set up a new campaign committee for a potential rematch.

? CA-37: Though Rep. Laura Richardson (D) previously denied it, a letter of resignation sent by her former district scheduler suggests that the congresswoman is indeed the subject of an ethics probe, pertaining to misuse of staff. Now Richardson's office is simply refusing to comment. The staffer's letter is really brutal, citing "constant verbal and emotional abuse" and requests that she perform tasks "on the ethical borderline." I can't imagine Richardson has a very long future in Congress (she originally won office in a 2007 special with just 37% of the primary vote in this very blue district), so who do you think could replace her?

? NM-01, NM-Sen: State Sen. Eric Griego (D), who is considering a run for the House if fellow Dem Martin Heinrich decides to go for the Senate race, says he expects "the smoke to clear" by April or May, in terms of people making decisions about what they're gonna do.

? NV-02: Jon Ralston says that retired Navy Commander Kirk Lippold is "in" the race for Nevada's 2nd congressional district, which ought to have a very interesting GOP primary, at the least. Lippold, who was captain of the USS Cole when it was bombed by Al Qaeda a decade ago, was touted as a possible challenger to Harry Reid last year.

? NV-03: Freshman Rep. Joe Heck was the only Republican to vote against defunding the Federal Housing Administration Refinance Program (designed to help homeowners with underwater mortgages). Anticipating criticism, he put out a video press release (an actual video press release, not a "tv ad with a tiny buy designed to get free media attention") defending his vote. Could Heck be worried about getting teabagged?

? NY-26: Republican nominee Jane Corwin just received the Independence Party's nomination for the special election as well, and ya know, this is a pretty darn good demonstration of why the Democrats' dithering on selecting a candidate has been a pretty dumb move. I mean, even if the IP wanted to endorse a Dem, they couldn't! (Or at least, couldn't do so yet.)

Anyhow, 2010 NY-Sen-A GOP primary loser (in other words, the guy who couldn't beat the guy who got vaporized by Chuck Schumer) Gary Bernsten sent out an email asking supporters to help teabagger David Bellavia petition his way on to the ballot as an independent. I'd be surprised if this effort is successful, though ? Bellavia has only until March 19 to collection 3,500 signatures. Crazy Jack Davis is doing the same thing, but at least he has a shot, since he's putting his millions to work for him.

? SD-AL: I linked this story in the Pete Hoekstra item above (see MI-Sen), but ex-Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin has also closed her campaign account, suggesting that Steve Israel's efforts to woo her into a rematch with Republican Kristi Noem haven't been successful. The Fix has a long list of other Dems (and a few Repubs) who have shut down their FEC committees ? click the link for the rest.

? TX-LG: Texas Ag. Comm'r Todd Staples isn't ruling out a run for Lt. Gov., a seat which could become open if the current occupant, David Dewhurst, wins Kay Bailey Hutchison's Senate seat. Other possible aspirants include Comptroller Susan Combs and Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson. (And yes, since this is Texas and everyone I just mentioned holds statewide office, that means they're all Republicans.) While you might be wondering why we're going so far down into the weeds here, the LG job is considered one of the most powerful in Texas (some like to say even more powerful that the governor's), because the LG is also President of the state Senate.

? Wisconsin Recall: The DLCC just launched a TV ad against GOP state Sen. Luther Olsen, attacking him for flip-flopping to support Scott Walker's anti-union legislation ? though it does not mention anything about the recall effort which Olsen is (among others) the subject of. The ad (which you can watch here) is running in Green Bay, and a spokesman tells me that the buy is "about 1000 points."

Also, check out this piece from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Craig Gilbert, which begins:

Number of state lawmakers removed from office by recall in all of American history: 13.

Number of state lawmakers currently facing recall campaigns in Wisconsin: 16.

? Hawaii: In order to avoid another Charles Djou, the Hawaii House just passed a bill to institute instant runoff voting (aka IRV) for special Congressional elections. Of course, they could just hold primaries instead of jungle elections.

? WATN?: Scott Lee Cohen, the disastrous Lt. Gov. candidate whose utterly failed gubernatorial bid probably saved Pat Quinn's ass, is hoping to replace ex-state Sen. Rickey Hendon, who resigned last month. Given that the replacement gets picked by a panel of Chicago Democratic Party committeemen, I'm guessing that Cohen's chances are somewhere between zero and nil.

Redistricting Roundup:

? Idaho: At least one local expert is confirming what we observed last week: population shrinkage in the 2nd CD will likely require it to absorb the entire city of Boise, which is currently split between the state's two districts.

? New Jersey: Richard Lee has some interesting historical details about the 1990 round of redistricting, focusing on two politicians who are still part of New Jersey's congressional delegation today: Rep. Frank Pallone and Sen. Bob Menendez. Menendez's federal career was launched when New Jersey's loss of a seat led to the creation of an Hispanic-friendly district. Pallone, meanwhile, was targeted for elimination by his own party. Said one Republican: ?I'd like to see Mr. Pallone defeated. But apparently I don't want to see him defeated as much as the Democrats do.? Obviously, Pallone lived to fight another day.

Meanwhile, Rutgers Prof. (and state redistricting tiebreak vote) Alan Rosenthal supposedly put out a memo outlining his vision for a fair legislative map, reportedly leading state Dems to believe their vision is much more closely aligned with Rosenthal's than is the Republicans'. But it doesn't seem like this memo, if it exists, has been released online.

Source: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/mG8WEaCMIdc/-DK-Elections-Daily-Digest:-3-14

Roosevelts George Bush

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