Thursday, March 3, 2011

GOP congressman Trent Franks would support impeaching Obama over DOMA

Trent Franks
Trent Franks with GOP colleagues at a 2009 press conference. (Photo: Franks' website)

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) thinks President Obama's decision to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act in court is an impeachable offense. Seriously. Franks was asked by Scott Keyes of ThinkProgress whether people should start talking about impeaching both Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama unless they reverse course. His answer? "If it could gain the collective support, absolutely."

The fact that these guys are even thinking about talking about impeachment betrays not just their right-wing extremism, but also their complete and total inability to comprehend the basic facts of the situation. President Obama's decision wasn't about whether or not to enforce the law: it was about whether or not to to defend in court a law which the administration believes to be unconstitutional.

Contrast what Obama is doing with what Ronald Reagan did in the first year of his presidency:

While I am signing S. 1192, it contains a legislative veto provision which the Attorney General advises is unconstitutional. ... The Secretary of Transportation will not, consistent with this objection, regard himself as legally bound by any such resolution.

Reagan actually directed his administration to ignore a law because he felt it was unconstitutional. Obama is merely telling his administration to stop wasting resources on a doomed defense of a law that he believes to be unconstitutional.

You'd think Republicans would be thanking the President for saving taxpayer money on this. But no, they're so desperate to bash gays that they want to impeach him over it. It's absolutely insane.


Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton

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