Saturday, March 5, 2011

DK Elections Daily Digest: 3/3

? AZ-Sen: Arizona Dems could see a big name get into the senate race: 4th CD Rep. Ed Pastor says he's considering the race, but wants to see how Rep. Gabby Giffords's recovery goes before making any decisions. (He also says he hasn't spoken to the DSCC yet.)

? CT-Sen: Chris Murphy just scored a trio of big fat endorsements: state Attorney General George Jepsen, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill, and Comptroller Kevin Lembo all just gave their backing to the 5th CD rep. Notably, Merrill succeeded Murphy's primary opponent, Susan Bysiewicz, as SoS this year.

? NM-Sen: Couple of developments in the open-seat New Mexico race. First, Dave Catanese says that Heather Wilson is starting to staff up for a potential run. Second, Steve Pearce says that he's spoken to Republican Lt. Gov. John Sanchez and says that Sanchez is "thinking about" running. Pearce, who earlier was urging NM Republicans to reach a consensus pick, is sounding more and more like he's interesting in playing the role of fixer rather than running himself ? not too surprising, given that he's 63 and just ran tough campaigns two cycles in a row.

? OH-Sen: Actual retail value of a Drew Carey senate run? $0, apparently. The Price Is Right host's publicist says that Carey "does not plan to run for office," despite a movement trying to draft him to run against Sen. Sherrod Brown. Does this remind anyone else of talk about recruiting Jerry Springer on our behalf in the 2005 timeframe? God that was sad.

? VA-Sen: Ex-Rep. Rick Boucher tells the National Journal that while he isn't ruling out a senate run, he isn't "giving any active thought" to one, either. Based on the linked NJ item, it sure sounds like Boucher is heading for a second career as a lobbyist. Anyhow, Boucher also says that Tim Kaine is the "obvious Democratic candidate."

? WI-Gov: So now the RNC, like the RGA, is putting up an ad in support of Darth Walker. No Word On The Size Of The Buy (in case you aren't familiar with that phrase, it means "NWOTSOTB"), or whether it's cable or broadcast, but The Hill does say it will run "in Milwaukee and Madison through the end of this week."

? NY-26: Though he met with teabagger David Bellavia for over an hour, Conservative Party chair Mike Long says he "made it very clear" that Republican nominee Jane Corwin has "a leg up on" Bellavia in terms of getting the Con endorsement. Long said his party's executive committee may meet later this week or early next week to make a final decision. With any luck, Bellavia will pursue his plan to petition on to the ballot if he gets passed over.

? Tampa Mayor: The city of Tampa, FL had a mayoral election the other night, and Republican Rose Ferlita (26%) and Dem Bob Buckhorn (24%) will proceed to a run-off. All of the other candidates in the first round were Dems, though former Mayor Dick Greco (who was trying to return to office) was definitely more of a DINO.

? MS-Gov: Four Democrats filed for the gubernatorial race: Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny DuPree, attorney Bill Luckett (who seems to have some money), and  Some Dudes Guy Shaw and William Compton, who also ran in 2007 and took just 12% in the Dem primary. But the rest of the picture is pretty brutal. Not a single Dem will be on the ballot for the positions of lieutenant governor, secretary of state, or auditor. As for the Republicans, five candidates qualified for the gubernatorial race: Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, businessman Dave Dennis, Pearl River County Supervisor Hudson Holiday, Some Dude Ron Williams, and teabagger James Broadwater.

? Special Elections: Unsurprisingly, in Florida's SD-33, Dem Oscar Braynon routed his Republican opposition in his bid to succeed Frederica Wilson (who replaced Kendrick Meek in the House). Dems also lost a very Republican state house district in Maine, HD-11, where the GOP candidate got all of 697 votes to the Democrat's 557.

? WI-St. Sen.: The Wisconsin Democratic Party is launching an effort to recall the eight Republican state senators who are legally subject to the recall process. (As you probably know, WI elects half its senators every two years, so only those who won in 2008 can be recalled right now.) The SEIU has also announced that they are backing the effort.


John Mccain Barrack Obama

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