Thursday, March 24, 2011

MI-Sen: Stabenow in better shape

Debbie Stabenow

Public Policy Polling (PDF) (3/18-20, Michigan voters, Dec. 2010 in parens)

Debbie Stabenow (D): 50 (45)
Pete Hoekstra (R): 38 (44)
Undecided: 12 (11)

Debbie Stabenow (D): 48 (45)
Terri Lynn Land (R): 38 (41)
Undecided: 14 (14)

Debbie Stabenow (D): 52
Saul Anuzis (R): 35
Undecided: 13

Debbie Stabenow (D): 52
Randy Hekman (R): 33
Undecided: 15
MoE: �4.4%

Remember last week how I said that Sherrod Brown's new BFF must be John Kasich? Well, I'll bet Debbie Stabenow would love to take Gov. Rick Snyder out for a soda pop right about now. I can explain it all to you in one blockquote:

Party        December | March
Democrat:       35    |   41
Republican:     35    |   28
Independent:    29    |   31

Those are the party self-identification breakdowns in PPP's newest poll versus their last poll. And guess what? The March sample is almost identical to the 2008 exit polls, which was 41 D, 29 R & 29 I. It's simple: If our voters come back, we win. And if guys like Rick Snyder, John Kasich, and Scott Walker keep helping us, they will.


John Mccain Barrack Obama

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