Wednesday, August 31, 2011

President Obama and the Bush blame game

One in an occasional series of posts looking at the most important number in politics; check out past ?MINP?s? here.

In an interview with radio host Tom Joyner on Tuesday morning, President Obama engaged in a bit of blame-game politics.

Asked by Joyner about the current struggling state of the economy, Obama replied: ?George Bush left us a $1 trillion deficit, and so it?s a lot harder to climb out of this hole when we don?t have a lot of money in the federal coffers.?

Read full article >>


George Bush George W. Bush

Von Hoffman Award Nominee

by Chris Bodenner "Tuesday marked a week and a day since the Associated Press published the controversial remarks of Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., in which he seemed to equate gay sex with incest and possibly even bestiality. It was the...


George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

Can Apple's Stock Still Shine Without Jobs?

If there were a Hall of Fame for winning stocks, Apple would surely be inducted. And just-resigned Steve Jobs would be its most valuable player. Apple's share price has climbed 6,260% from a low on April 17, 2003, just as it was engineering its turnaround from the wreckage of the tech bubble. That price gain puts Apple (AAPL) in a league with the great growth stocks of the past three decades, along with Cisco Systems (CSCO),


Alvin Green John Mccain

Monday, August 29, 2011

A Poem For Sunday

by Zo� Pollock "Self Help" by Bruce Covey: A chicken soup for the rainbow lover?s soul. A chicken soup for the lover of chicken soup. A carnage of birds, a devastation. Chicken soup for the dried-up garden? It?s been a...


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

Midday open thread

The last Sunday in August? Already? Fall will be upon us before we know it. And all you east coasters, stay safe. Not a cloud in the sky here in Los Angeles. To the links!

  • In case you missed it, Rick Perry has doubled down on his assertion that social security is a ponzi scheme:
    Earlier that day at the The Vine Coffeehouse, Perry told a voter that Social Security was ?ponzi scheme for these young people.?

    ?The idea that they?re working and paying into Social Security today, that the current program is going to be there for them, is a lie,? he said. ?It is a monstrous lie on this generation, and we can?t do that to them.?

    Does he expect to win seniors with that mouth?

  • For all you "football" fans out there: Manchester 13, London 3.
  • How Rick Perry created Texas massive budget crisis. So much for the Texas economic miracle.
  • Wait, did I mention that Rick Perry is a flip-flopper? After angering social conservatives not too long ago by declaring that same-sex marriage was an issue for states to decide owing to his belief in the Tenth Amendment, Perry has now reversed himself by signing NOM's pledge to oppose same-sex marriage everywhere. And you thought Mitt Romney had a hard time finding consistency.
  • The most important paragraph you will ever read about the European "government debt" cirisis:
    The European sovereign debt crisis is little more than a huge ?bait and switch? perpetrated on the publics of Europe, by their governments, on behalf of their banks. We need to remember that what we refer to today as the ?European Sovereign Debt Crisis? began as a private sector financial crisis back in 2008, when ?too big to fail banks,? writing deep out of the money options on taxpayers, quite unexpectedly (to some) blew up. Fearing a financial Armageddon, governments transformed private bank debt into public debt via bailouts, lost revenues, lower growth, higher transfers, and yawning deficits. The unavoidable result across the European continent was a massive increase in government debt. While painting this as a story of fiscal irresponsibility has some plausibility in the Greek case, it simply isn?t true for anyone else. The Irish and the Spanish, I and S in the eponymous ?PIGS? were, for example, considered ?best in neoliberal class? in terms of debts and deficits until the crisis hit. Public debt is a consequence of the financial crisis, not its cause.

    And as David Atkins at digby's place writes, that leaves European nations with two choices:

    But as the financial sector continues to careen further and further out of control worldwide, the challenge faced by sovereigns worldwide is this: either become subservient entities to the global financial institutions that truly govern the fates of the world's citizens, or reassert their authority and independence while allowing reckless banking institutions to fail.

    Most nations are choosing the former, both because they lack the courage to do the latter, and because they lack the vision to imagine what kind of system might need to be created in a post-too-big-to-fail world. The world's economies are now massively interdependent, with most of those interdependencies lubricated by liquidity provided by the big banks.

    And that is a ticket to global social malaise.

  • Final thought: if Ron Paul were President, there would be no FEMA. If Eric Cantor were president, there might still be a FEMA, but you'd have to stop funding your kid's school to repair the hurricane damage. Makes me wonder how on earth the Republican Party is still a viable political entity in this country.


Michelle Obama Sarah Palin

Organized opposition dominates Bass town hall

Nashua, New Hampshire (CNN) – Working-class anger bubbled over at a town hall hosted by Rep. Charlie Bass Saturday, when...


Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Karl Rove: Not a Palin fan

On Wednesday night, former Bush administration official Karl Rove accused 2008 vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin of having ?enormous thin skin? for getting upset over speculation about her future plans.

?It is a sign of enormous�thin skin�that if we speculate about her, she gets upset,? Rove said on Fox News. ?And I suspect if we didn't speculate about her, she?d be upset and try and find a way to get us to speculate about her ... I?m mystified.?

Rove had said over the weekend that he thought Palin would run for president; in response, her political action committee put up an unsigned blog post saying ?DC pundits? were using false information specifically intended to mislead the American public.?

Read full article >>


Rush Limbaugh Obama

The Early Word: Substance and Style

Political news from today's Times, plus a look at what's happening in Washington.


Obama Michelle Obama

Midday open thread

  • For those in the path of Hurricane Irene, be aware that:
    Cellphone users could be incommunicado for the second time this week when Hurricane Irene slams the East Coast.

    It?s a concern that has both federal regulators and cellphone carriers ? not to mention millions of smartphone-dependent consumers ? bracing for the second major stress test of the nation?s wireless networks in just a few days.

    It was only Tuesday that a 5.8-magnitude earthquake rocked the eastern seaboard, shaking nerves and rattling wireless networks to the point that many could not make calls for hours.

    This time, it could be high winds and strong rain that could affect carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile, and make communication difficult for those weathering the storm.

  • An interesting look at what economic impact a hurricane near or in New York City might have:
    Time to think about the unthinkable. What if a major hurricane were to pass close to New York City, as several forecasting models now suggest that Hurricane Irene might?

    Apart from the potential loss of life in the most densely populated part of the country, history suggests that the economic damage could run into the tens of billions of dollars, depending on the severity of the storm and how close it comes to the city. Unlikely but theoretically plausible scenarios could have the damage entering the realm of the costliest natural disasters of all time, and perhaps being large enough to have a materially negative effect on the nation?s gross domestic product.

  • Proving that Fox News never gives up, Eric Bolling tried to explain away Rick Perry calling Fed chairman Ben Bernanke "treasonous," saying:
    "Maybe he meant to say treacherous and then he said treasonous -- whatever." Bolling added: "But he's the real deal. ... He's the conservative choice is what it is."

    So, what did Perry actually say?

    If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what y'all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. I mean, printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous -- or treasonous in my opinion.
  • North Carolina may be the next state to enshrine bigotry into its state constitution.
  • The famous undisclosed location of former Vice President Dick Cheney is revealed:
    The Washington Post gets an early copy of former Vice President Dick Cheney's memoir, In My Time, and notes he writes that he was "surprised by the intensity of the media interest" in the "undisclosed location" where he was sometimes reported to be. He referred to a Saturday Night Live skit that imagined him in a cave in Afghanistan.

    But, Cheney writes, the "undisclosed location" was the more mundane Vice President's residence, his home in Wyoming and, most often, Camp David.

    How disappointing?most of us pictured a crypt in Transylvania.
  • News Corp?the parent company for Fox News and who hack into the voice mail of murdered school girls?is doing a "documentary" about George W. Bush and the 9/11 attacks:
    Early reviews of the program, however, paint Bush as a hero who discarded politics and his right-wing agenda once the planes hit the towers. The film also depicts Bush as a leader bent on capturing Osama bin Laden, no matter what:
    ?It?s not one of those moments where you weigh the consequences or think about the politics,? [Bush] adds. ?You decide. And I made the decisions as best I could in the fog of war. I was determined. Determined to protect the country. And I was determined to find out who did it and go get them.?

    In reality, within hours of the 9/11 plane hijackings, Bush?s Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld began drawing up plans to launch a war in Iraq ?even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks.? Indeed, Bush aides quickly went to work undercutting the proposed commission to study the events leading up the 9/11, and despite the growing evidence linking the terrorist act with Osama bin Laden?s al Qaeda group, Bush never made bin Laden a priority. By January 2002, Dick Cheney told the press that bin Laden ?isn?t that big a threat.? The next month, Bush said bin Laden was ?not the issue.?

    Will producer Peter Schnall critically, and accurately, explain to the public Bush?s actions during and after the horrific 9/11 terrorist attacks? In a recent interview about the program, Schnall said he tried not to push ?it too far? with the former president, and that he was ?less interested in facts than how? Bush ?was feeling?:

    ?He would only take it to so far,? Schnall tells Zap2it. ?If I had pushed it too far, he might have shut down a bit more, and my goal was to get him to talk about those four or five days. I was less interested in facts than how he was feeling.?
  • Uh, okay:
    Glenn Beck was in South Africa on Thursday, fresh off his "Restoring Courage" event in Israel. He understandably spent his Thursday show recapping and reflecting on the multi-day extravaganza he had just pulled off. [...]

    Beck also said he had been overwhelmed by one aspect of his trip. "I love the Israelis, he said. "I love the Jewish people. But they drive me out of my mind when they talk over each other. They're constantly talking!"

  • Whodathunkit?
    Brazilian scientists have found a new river in the Amazon basin ? around 4km underneath the Amazon river. The Rio Hamza, named after the head of the team of researchers who found the groundwater flow, appears to be as long as the Amazon river but up to hundreds of times wider.

    Both the Amazon and Hamza flow from west to east and are around the same length, at 6,000km. But whereas the Amazon ranges from 1km to 100km in width, the Hamza ranges from 200km to 400km.


Obama Michelle Obama

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jobs protests against Paul Ryan maintained all week, expand to all four of his district offices

In their attempt to get a face-to-face meeting with their member of Congress, and despite facing locked doors, bans on cameras, increased restrictions on parking and a constant threat of arrest, unemployed protesters maintained their presence all week at Rep. Paul Ryan's district offices in Wisconsin.

In fact, the protests expanded from only one office earlier in the week to all four offices by the end of the week. Wisconsin Jobs Now has been on the scene:

The ?Where is Paul Ryan?? movement continues to grow every single day. On Tuesday it expanded to Racine, but yesterday it expanded to Janesville and Lake Geneva as well. Now, literally every single Paul Ryan constituent office in Wisconsin is under protest or occupation, or both!

Further, despite being locked out, yesterday the protesters re-entered the office in Kenosha and resumed their sit-in. Here is the video they took when they did it:

It isn't a huge protest, but it has been written up by the Associated Press. Further, Google shows over fifteen news reports on the Paul Ryan protests from Wisconsin media alone. That is highly effective work which would make any communications director drool.

Wouldn't it be cool to see over a dozen local news stories a week about protests against a Republican member of Congress near you? Help make it happen by signing up for a protest with MoveOn or Democracy for America.


Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton

What A Good City Does Well

by Zo� Pollock Cyberpunk novelist William Gibson identifies it: Paris, as much as I love Paris, feels to me as though it's long since been "cooked." Its brand consists of what it is, and that can be embellished but not...


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

So We're Clear

by Zack Beauchamp Barry Eichengreen gives a lucid explanation of why calls to go back to the gold standard are so misguided.


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

Friday, August 26, 2011

8 Dumbest Moves By Big-time Criminals


John Mccain Barrack Obama

Cheaper Apple iPhone Seen Hitting Markets In Weeks

Apple (AAPL) is making a cheaper, 8-gigabyte version of its popular iPhone 4, and it's expected to be launched within weeks, reported Reuters, which said Asian suppliers are manufacturing what some are calling the iPhone 4S. The tech giant developed the phone to slow the rapid growth of phones based on Google's (GOOG) Android software, according to published reports in February. Apple also was seeking to make it compatible with multiple wireless


Rush Limbaugh Obama

Midday open thread

  • Tune in today to hear Joan McCarter on Mark Thompson's show, "Make it Plain," on SiriusXM Radio Left 127, 6-9 PM ET.
  • According to the latest NHC forecast, Irene is poised to run up the U.S. eastern seaboard like a ripsaw. Via Jeff Masters at the WeatherUnderground:
    Irene will likely hit Eastern North Carolina, but the storm is going northwards after that, and may deliver an extremely destructive blow to the mid-Atlantic and New England states. I am most concerned about the storm surge danger to North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and the rest of the New England coast. Irene is capable of inundating portions of the coast under 10 - 15 feet of water, to the highest storm surge depths ever recorded. I strongly recommend that all residents of the mid-Atlantic and New England coast familiarize themselves with their storm surge risk. ... [See] the NHC's Interactive Storm Surge Risk Map.
  • Dick Cheney explains in his new book that the problem with the Bush administration is that they didn't bomb enough countries.
  • Brother, can you spare ... $5 billion?
    Warren Buffett will invest $5 billion in Bank of America, stepping in to shore up the company in the same way he helped prop up Goldman Sachs and General Electric during the financial crisis. [...]

    Buffett and Bank of America said he made an unsolicited call to the bank on Wednesday morning, offering to make an investment. Even though the bank has said it did not need to raise capital, investors widely believed Bank of America needed more money and to show it could raise funds easily.

  • Yesterday, Steve Jobs announced he is stepping down as CEO of Apple. TPM has a round-up of some interesting Tweets about it.
  • The most horrific thing we've learned about Gaddafi yet:
    The ransacking of Moammar Gadhafi's compound is turning up some bizarre loot. Following on from the Libyan leader's eccentric fashion accessories and his daughter's golden mermaid couch, the latest discovery is a photo album filled with page after page of pictures of Condoleezza Rice.
  • Another New York clerk refuses to do her job because she thinks God wants her to be a hateful, bigoted asshole.
  • Gosh. Just can't imagine why anyone would say teabaggers are racist:
    As Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) prepared to tour a nonprofit organization in Farmington, he was met by a dozen Tea Party protesters, one of whom asserted that Lujan was not an American. The Farmington Daily Times reports:
    Darrel Clark of Farmington said he came for ?a chance to see the elusive representative.?

    ?He needs to get out of politics and make room for an American,? Clark said.

    Luj�n is a lifelong New Mexican. Clark later explained that he meant an ?American patriot.?

  • Bwahahaha. Karl Rove is officially engaged in a petty-off with Sarah Palin. Talk about a War of Irrelevance.
  • Americans are obese everywhere.
  • Impeach!
    In case you are new to the ways of Washington, the autopen is a mechanical device that signs someone's name at the touch of a button. Presidents, members of congress and countless others have utilized autopens for decades to reply to constituent mail and perform similarly mundane matters. But signing a bill into law is no mundane matter: It's constitutionally required by the express language of Article I. It's not the use of the autopen itself that's the real issue. Believe it or not, it's the fact that the autopen and the president were not present together at the signing that makes this an unconstitutional act. [...]

    Now, surely the White House had a stack of legal memos saying that the autopen could sign a bill while President Obama was away from the White House, right? As it turns out, no. The White House relied exclusively on a 2005 Office of Legal Counsel's memorandum to President George W. Bush for its legal authority.

  • This is not a headline from The Onion: Arizona Ski Resort to Make Snow From Human Waste.


George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tea party Rep. Cravaack gets union disability�payments

Chip Cravaack
Rep. Chip Cravaack (Official portrait)

Tea party freshman Rep. Chip Cravaack (R-MN) will possibly regret caving to constituent demand and having actual open and free town meetings when word of this gets around to some of his constituents.
[A] lit�tle over�looked fact about Chip Cravaack is that he worked as a pilot for the North�west Air�lines as recently as 2007 and being a pilot means that you are a mem�ber of a Union, thus receiv�ing the ben�e�fits of union nego�ti�ated salaries, vaca�tions and ulti�mately, dis�abil�ity payments.

Recent finan�cial records released by Cravaack showed that he received  $92,273 in 2010 from dis�abil�ity pay�ments he received from North�west. At this very same time Cravaack was receiv�ing his checks, he was cam�paign�ing in Min�nesota promis�ing to end ?big gov�ern�ment,? and often using the usual Repub�li�can talk�ing points of bash�ing unions.

Oh, and by the way, Chip Cravaack is also a vet�eran, which means that in addi�tion to his gov�ern�ment pro�vided health care in Con�gress, he also gets ben�e�fits from the VA, allow�ing him to go to any government-owned Veteran?s Admin�is�tra�tion facil�ity in the nation and receive what he and Tea�party calls, ?social�ized medicine.?

Of course, he also gets free health care from the Attending Physician of the United States Congress. Well, free to him. We, the taxpayers, are paying for that. For the record, it's fantastic that Cravaack had the opportunity to have workplace protections that are now helping in him out. Every worker should have that opportunity. And it's also great that served his country and he should get health care from it, as should all veterans.

But I kind of doubt that the tea party constituents who elected him are going to see it that way.

Source: payments

Obama Michelle Obama

He Bed, She Bed

by Chris Bodenner Some findings for thought: Women tend to have more deep sleep and awaken fewer times during the night than men do. They also weather some of the effects of a lack of sleep better than men, according...


Alvin Green John Mccain

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George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Romney begins anti-union push with video filled with falsehood


Romney's video (and presumably his next RtW salvo as well) is just plain wrong. The video features a New Hampshire business owner, one in the warm grandpa mode, talking plaintively about how his business is a family and he has "reasonable confidence" his workers are happy and he's just worried about them, the workers:

What if they don't want to join the union and the union says you have to join? What happens to them? Do they have to leave the company because it's a union house? Well, to me that's absolutely wrong. Absolutely wrong....We live in the Live Free or Die state and they can damn well choose whether they want to join an organization or not join an organization.

As it happens, it is absolutely wrong to say that workers have to leave a union employer if they don't want to be in the union. That is, it's a factually incorrect statement. A refresher on the facts, from the post I'm glad I wrote once so I wouldn't have to rewrite it every single time:

["Right to Work"] proponents would have you believe that without RtW laws in place, you can be forced to join a union in order to get a job?in a unionized workplace, a point they tend to gloss over. I mean, really, it would be nice if job=job in a unionized workplace, but that?s not remotely the case. In reality (PDF), though, you can never be forced to join a union?you can only be required to pay dues directly related to work the union does representing you.

So there is no circumstance (barring an unimaginably massive, pro-union overhaul of labor law) in which Romney's grandpa figure would have to worry that his anti-union employees would be driven from the warm family embrace of his business because of their refusal to join a union. What he really appears to be worried about is that his workers may unionize?buried in the video is an admission that what makes him want RtW is the concern that the NLRB might make it easier to unionize.

All his talk about the union as a third party coming between him and his warm loving family of employees, then, is a cover for the fact that he's concerned that those very employees, the ones he's "reasonably confident" are happy, might want to join a union. After all, a currently non-union workplace is not going to become a union workplace without support from a majority of the workers. But by weakening unions in a state, RtW makes it less likely a strong union will be available for workers in that state to join should they wish to. RtW prevents employers and unions from agreeing to a "union security" clause, which:

...says that if the union represents you, you have to pay your share of the costs they incur. So what banning that type of agreement means is that if someone gets a job in a unionized workplace, the union has to represent them, but they have no responsibility to the union. They get the wages and benefits negotiated, however improved those may be (union members earn, on average, 28% more than non-members), and don?t contribute to the costs of negotiating. If they?re fired illegally, the union represents them for free, no matter how much staff time and resources go into defending them. And if they feel like the union didn?t do well enough representing them for free, they can sue.

You can see where that goes. People enter as freeloaders, happy to have improved wages and benefits and help when they have a problem with the boss, and happy to let someone else pay for it. But that freeloading weakens the union, and in the end, working conditions and pay are driven down for everyone[.]

That's the reality of what Mitt Romney is pushing today, however much grandfatherly rhetoric about management and workers as one big happy family he wraps it in.


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts