Friday, August 19, 2011

Deadbeat dad Joe Walsh also deadbeat�driver

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Deadbeat/Average guy)<br/>
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Deadbeat)
Hahahaha. What an asshat:
[Rep. Joe] Walsh recently found himself on the defensive amid claims by his ex-wife that he owes more than $117,000 in unpaid child support and interest. And now the Tribune, looking more deeply into his troubled driving record, has learned that he lost his driving privileges from mid-April to mid-July of this year because he let his high-risk car insurance lapse ? the second time in three years his license was suspended.

And his response is classic:

"It's unfortunate the Chicago Tribune has chosen to waste time and ink scrutinizing my driving record over the last 22 years rather than Washington's unsustainable spending, which is driving the United States over a financial cliff. I have received speeding tickets, parking tickets and other motor vehicle citations over the last 22 years, but I've always admitted guilt when appropriate, received court supervision when available and paid my fines."

Yup. It's "unfortunate" that anyone would look into the record of the guy who claims to be an advocate for fiscal responsibility, only to find out that, shockingly, he doesn't know a thing about fiscal responsibility.

Source: driver

Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

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