Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jobs protests against Paul Ryan maintained all week, expand to all four of his district offices

In their attempt to get a face-to-face meeting with their member of Congress, and despite facing locked doors, bans on cameras, increased restrictions on parking and a constant threat of arrest, unemployed protesters maintained their presence all week at Rep. Paul Ryan's district offices in Wisconsin.

In fact, the protests expanded from only one office earlier in the week to all four offices by the end of the week. Wisconsin Jobs Now has been on the scene:

The ?Where is Paul Ryan?? movement continues to grow every single day. On Tuesday it expanded to Racine, but yesterday it expanded to Janesville and Lake Geneva as well. Now, literally every single Paul Ryan constituent office in Wisconsin is under protest or occupation, or both!

Further, despite being locked out, yesterday the protesters re-entered the office in Kenosha and resumed their sit-in. Here is the video they took when they did it:

It isn't a huge protest, but it has been written up by the Associated Press. Further, Google shows over fifteen news reports on the Paul Ryan protests from Wisconsin media alone. That is highly effective work which would make any communications director drool.

Wouldn't it be cool to see over a dozen local news stories a week about protests against a Republican member of Congress near you? Help make it happen by signing up for a protest with MoveOn or Democracy for America.


Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton

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