Saturday, August 13, 2011

Republican presidential debate, live from Ames, Iowa #11

GOP 2012 Debate
Tonight's the third Republican presidential debate in the 2012 nominating contest, this time from Ames, Iowa. Join in the live commentary and discussion here on Daily Kos while you watch it live on Fox News Channel GOP TV or on the web.

7:41 PM PT: Question is whether Mitt Romney would extend unemployment benefits to jobless people. He doesn't come right out and say "no," but says we need to reduce spending on unemployment programs. Follow-up is whether he would sign a bill extending unemployment benefits. He doesn't say yes. Instead he says he'd signs  bill creating unemployment savings accounts. Okay, great, but given that people are unemployed now, how the hell are they supposed to put money in those accounts? That idea is just plain weird. And cruel.

7:42 PM PT: Did you notice that Romney managed to escape the social issues round completely? And none of the candidates pointed out that his health care plan covered abortion.

7:45 PM PT: Bachmann is asked about her batshit crazy idea of not raising the debt ceiling and instead going into default. She says the S&P downgraded us because we raised the debt ceiling. It's total bullshit, but Herman Cain comes along and says Bachmann is damn right.

7:51 PM PT: LOL, Rick Santorum attacks Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul for not having had the leadership to get results in Congress on the debt ceiling...when he didn't even have the leadership to get reelected to the Senate. He then blasts them for saying the debt ceiling shouldn't have been raised. "Of course we have to raise the debt ceiling," he says.

7:51 PM PT: Commercial break. Do you think anyone is winning this debate?

7:53 PM PT: I think we're going to have final statements or something like that in the next segment. I'll start a new thread to cover the (beginning of?) the end of the insanity.


Rush Limbaugh Obama

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