Friday, August 26, 2011

Midday open thread

  • Tune in today to hear Joan McCarter on Mark Thompson's show, "Make it Plain," on SiriusXM Radio Left 127, 6-9 PM ET.
  • According to the latest NHC forecast, Irene is poised to run up the U.S. eastern seaboard like a ripsaw. Via Jeff Masters at the WeatherUnderground:
    Irene will likely hit Eastern North Carolina, but the storm is going northwards after that, and may deliver an extremely destructive blow to the mid-Atlantic and New England states. I am most concerned about the storm surge danger to North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and the rest of the New England coast. Irene is capable of inundating portions of the coast under 10 - 15 feet of water, to the highest storm surge depths ever recorded. I strongly recommend that all residents of the mid-Atlantic and New England coast familiarize themselves with their storm surge risk. ... [See] the NHC's Interactive Storm Surge Risk Map.
  • Dick Cheney explains in his new book that the problem with the Bush administration is that they didn't bomb enough countries.
  • Brother, can you spare ... $5 billion?
    Warren Buffett will invest $5 billion in Bank of America, stepping in to shore up the company in the same way he helped prop up Goldman Sachs and General Electric during the financial crisis. [...]

    Buffett and Bank of America said he made an unsolicited call to the bank on Wednesday morning, offering to make an investment. Even though the bank has said it did not need to raise capital, investors widely believed Bank of America needed more money and to show it could raise funds easily.

  • Yesterday, Steve Jobs announced he is stepping down as CEO of Apple. TPM has a round-up of some interesting Tweets about it.
  • The most horrific thing we've learned about Gaddafi yet:
    The ransacking of Moammar Gadhafi's compound is turning up some bizarre loot. Following on from the Libyan leader's eccentric fashion accessories and his daughter's golden mermaid couch, the latest discovery is a photo album filled with page after page of pictures of Condoleezza Rice.
  • Another New York clerk refuses to do her job because she thinks God wants her to be a hateful, bigoted asshole.
  • Gosh. Just can't imagine why anyone would say teabaggers are racist:
    As Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) prepared to tour a nonprofit organization in Farmington, he was met by a dozen Tea Party protesters, one of whom asserted that Lujan was not an American. The Farmington Daily Times reports:
    Darrel Clark of Farmington said he came for ?a chance to see the elusive representative.?

    ?He needs to get out of politics and make room for an American,? Clark said.

    Luj�n is a lifelong New Mexican. Clark later explained that he meant an ?American patriot.?

  • Bwahahaha. Karl Rove is officially engaged in a petty-off with Sarah Palin. Talk about a War of Irrelevance.
  • Americans are obese everywhere.
  • Impeach!
    In case you are new to the ways of Washington, the autopen is a mechanical device that signs someone's name at the touch of a button. Presidents, members of congress and countless others have utilized autopens for decades to reply to constituent mail and perform similarly mundane matters. But signing a bill into law is no mundane matter: It's constitutionally required by the express language of Article I. It's not the use of the autopen itself that's the real issue. Believe it or not, it's the fact that the autopen and the president were not present together at the signing that makes this an unconstitutional act. [...]

    Now, surely the White House had a stack of legal memos saying that the autopen could sign a bill while President Obama was away from the White House, right? As it turns out, no. The White House relied exclusively on a 2005 Office of Legal Counsel's memorandum to President George W. Bush for its legal authority.

  • This is not a headline from The Onion: Arizona Ski Resort to Make Snow From Human Waste.


George W. Bush Rush Limbaugh

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