Sunday, August 21, 2011

Open thread for night owls

Once again, it is left to a comedy show to do the obvious. For example, basic math. We could raise taxes on the most well off back to Clinton-era levels, which decidedly did not crash the economy or reduce the wealthy to lives of crumbling despair, or we could instead take half of everything the lower fifty percent of America has. (Video below the fold, due to possible autoplay issues for some users.)
Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart: fake newscast, but real news
There is something truly despicable about such obvious points being made by nobody in our so-called "serious" national discourse, leaving it to satirists, bloggers, and other court jesters. We are forced to debate even the most stupid premises or ideas as "reasonable" because that's just the way the media works: everyone is "reasonable", even the complete idiots and unapologetic crooks. Using actual math, science, or even logic in an argument might be considered gotcha journalism, after all.

If you want to know what both sides are saying, turn to a "news" show. If you want to know which side makes more sense, ask the court jesters. They have a long history of being able to say things that the respectable people can't manage.

Today's top comments are here.


Hillary Clinton Roosevelts

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