Sunday, August 7, 2011

Conservative absentee ballot mailer with late return date went to all six Wisconsin recall districts

Stephen Colbert helpfully explains why the inaccurate absentee ballot mailings from Americans for Prosperity aren't a big deal.

Remember how Koch brother funded Americans for Prosperity was caught sending out absentee ballots to Democrats in two Wisconsin recall districts with instructions to return the ballots late? Earlier today, Greg Sargent received an email from Americans for Prosperity that reveals the mailer was sent to all six districts with recalls on Tuesday, rather than just the two that were originally reported. From the email:

Recently, Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin sent a mailer to provide our members, like you, with the opportunity to vote by way of absentee ballot. The absentee ballot mailing was mailed only to AFP-Wisconsin members in the eight Senate Districts that have recall elections.The return date included on the absentee ballot application (August 11th) was intended solely for the two senate districts with elections on August 16th. However, the printer sent that version out to all districts, including those that have elections on August 9th.

So in addition to discovering that this mailer went out to all six districts with recalls on Tuesday, AFP continues to blame the printer for this. Didn't AFP bother to look at the mailers before mailing them, after they came back from the printer? Or did the printer do all the envelope stuffing, too?

Either AFP isn't telling the whole truth about this mailing, or they are really shitty at GOTV. Personally, I'm hoping it's the latter, so our GOTV can kick their butts.


Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton

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